wellknown as NER divisional headquater and for diesel shed (abb;IZN) izzatnagar rly station |
izzatnagar railway station (bareilly u.p.) with a track uprooting machine. |
the view towars nainitaal uttarakhand from izzatnagar rly station.. |
this very beautiful station may remind you of tiny station of malgudi days..lots of passenger trains hauled by mainly YDM4 loco you can spotted here.now on other side of plateform 1 the new under construction broad gauge plateform.also some BG diesel-engines u can see hauling coaches for reapiring to O&W WORKSHOP izzatnagar.also a overbridge is there but useless,because of very low height of MG platform(approx 1.5 fit?).now ther exist 5 of meter gauge lines and 1 broad gauge line(goes upto workshop and diesel shed).also fully MACL signalling is there.also i sp